My Favorite Boudoir 2010 The exhibition took place in three stages. The first stage was an installation representing a stylized woman’s boudoir. The second stage was a Peep Show, in which I ceremoniously put on a cocktail dress and got ready for bed while being... Read more
Out of Myslef The first artistic works I created were with models, my clients, and even my mother. Eventually, however, rather than being present just as the designer, I decided to start employing and self-objectifying myself, by taking on the role that... Read more
Guns & Roses Oil 2011-2015 My hometown of Kazanlak is known as a center for the production of rose oil and firearms. With Guns and Roses Oil, my aim was to turn the automatic weapon AK-47’s bullet into something as harmless and as innocent as a perfume. An almost... Read more
Multy Me 2012-2013 Over a period of ten years, I was seriously and exclusively dedicated to the design of clothing. Naturally, I’ve always wanted this design to be original, unique, and recognizable. As a designer, my initial motivation, including when I was... Read more
Interior Accessories of Feminine Gender 2015 The first time I started to deconstruct the wedding dress as a garment was in the 1998 performance “My Wedding Dresses on the Roof,” in which I showed perfectly non-functional, but nevertheless wedding-themed garments. Through the years and... Read more
Fish Party 2015 “Fish Party” (2004 – 2015) took place in various formats, contexts, and spaces through the years. “Hello, Girls” was at the basis of this performance series. The project’s appearance transformed and included different people through the... Read more